Summer e-news + 2 film screening events (Thur 13 & Wed 19 August)

Summer e-news + 2 film screening events (Thur 13 & Wed 19 August)

Summer news – films and campaigns

Hello friends, colleagues and supporters,

We hope you’re coping ok with the heat and staying safe as you can, as we all try our best to navigate these difficult, complicated, prolonged Coronavirus times.

Below is our summer news round-up plus a couple of film recommendations – both speaking to incredibly important issues – and, being robbed of the chance to show in cinemas, the directors are doing the next best thing: virtual events.

We hope you can join them.

Meantime, wishing you a safe and happy rest of the summer.
Deb, Ho-Chih, Kev & all at TP.
Continue reading

On Martin Luther King Day – PROJECT 2018

PROJECT 2018 Poor People’s Call to Action – Dr. King’s work re-envisioned fifty years on

Poor Peoples CampaignNext April 2018 will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.  His ‘last great exertion’ in 1967/68 was The Poor People’s Campaign – a  march on Washington DC that was a more radical effort than 1963. Its aim was to get racial and economic justice for all poor Americans.  He was becoming an ever greater threat to anti-progressive forces as he realised that, in addition to race, class was becoming an equally critical part of the struggle. At what was to become the end of his life, he was now mobilising black and white Americans.

At the heart of this campaign was an Economic Bill of Rights, addressing employment, health, education, land, finance and participatory government. Today in the USA, there is a renewed push to mark and re-envision the Poor People’s Campaign.

We think the time is right to build on those USA efforts and today we launch a new project to ‘internationalise’ Dr. King’s Poor People’s Campaign and place a renewed vision for the Economic Bill of Rights at its heart.

Why? Because 50 years since Dr. King’s death

  • The USA, UK and many other rich nations are more unequal now than in 1968 with greater levels of poverty – and in the USA with far greater levels of incarceration and war spending.
  • The richest 85 people across the globe share a combined wealth of £1trillion, as much as the poorest 3.5 billion of the world’s population.
  • And 69 out of the world’s top 100 economies are corporations.

Dr. King’s calls in 1967/68 speak to the present day, not least in his ever growing critique of capitalism, poverty and inequality.

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism.
Speech to staff, 1966

If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God’s children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will go to hell.
Bishop Charles Mason Temple of the Church of God in Christ in support of the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike on March 18th, 1968, two weeks before he was assassinated.

anti-capitalist-protestOver the coming year PROJECT 2018 A Poor People’s Call to Action is reaching out to partners across the secular and non-secular spectrum to call for April 2018 as the first of five major mobilisations between 2018 and 2028 with King’s updated Economic Bill of Rights at their heart – mobilisations that link USA social justice movements with other social justice movements around the world.

This is the time for a global call-out of governments, institutions, big corporations and business. The 50-year anniversary of the life and work left by Dr King presents us with an opportunity to join hands, voices and actions together in our shared quest for peace and justice

In solidarity
Dionne, Deborah, Yolande and Ho-Chih.

Find out more
Project Summary (PDF)
Contact us if you’d like to know more, support or work with us to develop Project 2018.


In 2018 it will be 50 years since Martin Luther King was assassinated. His ‘last great exertion’ in 1967/68 was the Poor People’s Campaign and Economic Bill of Rights.

Project April 2018 proposes the internationalising of the 1968 Poor People’s campaign with the first of 5 global mobilisations over the coming decade 2018-2028 linking USA social justice movements with other social justice movements around the world

Project April 2018 proposes linking these mobilisations with a renewed international recognition and call for Dr King’s ambitious 1968 Economic Bill of Rights – updated for today, it offers a universal economic bill of rights fit for the 21stcentury that will reverse economic inequalities, racism, militarism and climate change.  All these factors combined are destroying families, communities, nations and the very planet we live on.

Project April 2018 – international mobilisations and a renewed Economic Bill of Rights

Wishing You A Peaceful Holiday Season

Dear colleagues and friends, supporters and funders,

Season’s Greetings

It’s been a tough year. We end 2016 with the June Brexit vote and Trump election win in November; devastating conflicts in Syria and Yemen and news that has seen Arctic temperatures rising far higher and faster than scientists had predicted.

After Trump’s USA election win, there were some in the USA who drew strength from the idea that it’s ‘darkest just before the dawn’ and that now is the time for progressives to rise to the challenge with policies and campaigns that can push the far-right back. Let’s hope this observation proves to be the case as we do all we can to support those ever-growing justice movements around the world who are fighting to make this a reality.

Below is our 2016 round-up.  Please be in touch if you want to know more, get involved or help our work in any way.  Where-ever we are, what-ever we do, there’s a lot to ‘push back’ in the coming months and years.

Best wishes this Christmas,

Deb, Kevin, Justin, Ho-Chih


We Are Many The July release of the Chilcot Report led to a second wave of interest in Amir’s film throughout the summer and into the autumn/winter, with dozens of public cinema screenings across the UK We hosted a special TPFF post-Chilcot Report event at Friends Meeting House in London and joined Amir for a special Oxford city screening with Larry Sanders, brother of Bernie, who joined Amir for the post film debate.  It is now available to buy on iTunes and DVD.

Open Bethlehem continues its journey with releases across the Middle East and North America and we were thrilled that our partners Development & Peace hosted our Canadian premiere in Montreal.  “A ninety-minute epic that transcends politics and normal cinema” wrote Daoud Kuttab, Middle East Monitor. The film is now on demand at Vimeo and DVD  (£15.99) can be purchased here


Make Apartheid History Our December 2015 calendar was very well received and our WALL video went viral . In July, we marked MANDELA DAY with our first year video highlight loop and in August, we were delighted to showcase MAH at the Edinburgh Fringe and on the opening night of the Greenbelt Festival

From Pink to Prevention & environmental links to breast cancer A busy year! In February we finally secured a meeting with the CEO of UK’s leading breast cancer charity Breast Cancer Now (formerly Breakthrough Breast Cancer) and a blog of this important meeting is here. In May, we shared our Rachel Carson Day communication and we had a very active October Breast Cancer Awareness Month with interactive posters; an Early Day Motion tabled by Caroline Lucas; and book launch of writing by the late USA activist Barbara Brenner, hosted by UNISON. We ended the year with an article published in ‘Women & Environments’- a leading international magazine celebrating its 40th anniversary and illustrated by our campaign colleague Di Ward.

Five Percent Campaign – military spending is a ‘development issue’. In October, we attended the International Peace Bureau’s annual global gathering in Berlin.  Subsequent to our presentation, strong new Five Per Cent campaign contacts were secured in East Africa, Australia and USA and in November, we were invited to present the campaign to a regional East African peace movement gathering in Uganda.


Martin Luther King’s Economic Bill of Rights  from 1968 to 2018 and beyond. Marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, Project April 2018 puts his 1968 Economic Bill of Rights at the heart of a renewed global call for us all to march on power with a progressive manifesto for transformative change. Working with partners in the USA, key founding documents are now being finalised. We aim to soft launch in the USA on MLK Day January 2017.

Attlee Festival October 2017 Reviving the much under-valued story of Clement Attlee with a fresh, contemporary cultural project looking at his legacy. This year we have been refining the project and discussing with potential partners, venues and contributors. The Attlee Nation and Unity Festival will explore how, 70 years before, politicians did push back powerful vested interests for a caring social democracy and what lessons we can bring forward for today’s vision for the future.

Next year…

Alongside the projects above, next year will see us embark on several new film partnerships which connect to our three campaigns (5%, From Pink to Prevention and Make Apartheid History).

We will also develop next-stage development of a TPFF-led documentary ‘Generosity towards the Future’. This is a project designed to lift the level of political understanding through high quality ‘essay’ or ‘vision’ films on critical issues facing ordinary British people today – rising poverty; Dickensian levels of inequality; the utter failure of housing policy; crisis across the NHS.

Finally, a big thank-you to our funders

The Ratcliff Foundation, Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation, Amiel and Melburn Trust, Trust Greenbelt; major donors and regular givers.

Thank you.

Posters, films & books – more ways to widen the breast cancer risk-factor debate this October

From Pink to Prevention activities & toolkit this Breast Cancer Prevention Month

Dear friends, supporters and colleagues,

As we find ourselves mid-way through the global fundraising phenomena that is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we ask are environmental and occupational links to the disease ‘an elephant in the room’?

We want to draw attention to a breast cancer narrative that is excluded from the ‘pink’ limelight.

For decades now, scientists and activists alike have argued that the persistent exclusion of environmental and occupational risk factors for breast cancer (eg carcinogens and hormone disrupting chemicals) by government, breast cancer charities and industry is,  at the very least baffling and, at worst, obstructing a basic  public health right to know. We argue that the time has come for policy-makers to explain why they are refusing to acknowledge the evidence that links these risk factors to breast cancer.

We hope you find something of interest in our activities listed below – from our new online toolkit, to our book launch on 31st October, to our calls for action on breast cancer charities and politicians alike. Help us widen the breast cancer risk-factor debate – and let everyone know about this ‘elephant in the room’ each and every October.

Best wishes

Deb, Diana, Helen & Ho-Chih
From Pink to Prevention Campaign


From Pink to Prevention has produced an online ‘tool-kit’ to help you understand the nature of the problem we are facing – both in terms of the links between environmental and occupational risk factors as well as the inaction of those with the power to address it. It includes an interactive webpage, PDF and poster which brings together some of the leading experts, writers and campaigners from across Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, UK), USA, Canada, Australia and the Philippines; it also includes films to watch, in-depth resources and how to take action. Please share as widely as you can.


smtbd-invite-pictFrom Pink to Prevention supported by Unison, the Alliance for Cancer Prevention and the Breast Cancer Consortium, are hosting the launch of So Much to Be Done, a book of writings by the late Barbara Brenner, with readings by her partner of 38 years Susie Lampert. Barbara was 15 years as the director of the hugely influential organisation Breast Cancer Action based in San Francisco and was a leading contributor to the film Pink Ribbons, Inc.

Venue: UNISON Café    130 Euston Road   London NW1 2 AY
Event is free. Please RSVP to
Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.

We advocate that better diagnostics and treatment is not mutually exclusive with looking at how our profoundly polluted environment, homes and workplaces impact on our bodies and health, while also taking into consideration the ‘precautionary principle’ – better safe than sorry.

We are delighted that Caroline Lucas MP will table an Early Day Motion to Parliament calling upon the Government to act upon the urgent inclusion of environmental and occupational risk factors into all National Cancer Plans and strategies.

It will run until spring 2017. We would like to get as many MPs signing as possible. Once our EDM is live, we will let you know!

Keep in touch and follow us on

Autumn News

Dear friends, supporters and colleagues,We hope there is something here for everyone in our autumn round-up, whether film related, campaign related – or both.

It’s been a summer where we have seen no let-up of the horrors inflicted by all sides on the people of Syria; calls to halt the sales of UK arms to Saudi Arabia as it continues its attacks on Yemen’s civilian population; Donald Trump seemingly rising in the polls; confusion after Brexit; and an unhealthy media preoccupation with Jeremy Corbyn resulting in attention to deeper domestic issues inevitably being sidelined.

But we are seeing progress in one hugely significant area. TTIP is now on the ropes. It has been a long battle – and it’s not over yet – but it proves that civil society’s determination to take on huge vested interests can pay off, as hundreds of thousands citizens across the EU who took part in the effort to stop TTIP can testify to.

We are working across a variety of projects that connect with many of the issues above.  A short round-up is below.  As always, a big thanks to ALL our funders – individuals and grant-makers alike.

Best wishes
From all at Tipping Point North South


We Are Many is now available to buy on iTunes and DVD. The release of the Chilcot Report led to a second wave of interest in Amir’s film with numerous screenings across the UK. This included a special TPFF hosted post-Chilcot Report event at Friends Meeting House in London, home to the first anti-Iraq war movement meeting; and a special Oxford city screening with Larry Sanders, brother of Bernie, who joined Amir for the post film debate. And with the ongoing attention on Jeremy Corbyn, a contributor throughout the film, We Are Many also remains pertinent to current Labour Party debates as well as wider public debate, on the subject of UK foreign and military policy-making.

Open Bethlehem We are delighted that the English language version can now be streamed here on Vimeo. Leila’s film is now on release in Canada and the Montreal premiere was made possible with support from our Candian funding partners, Development and Peace. This follows on the heels of a successful spring /summer tour of Middle East countries, including several very special screenings in Bethlehem itself. Here’s a review describing Open Bethlehem as one of the five films to help you understand the modern Arab world. Finally, as of this month, we welcome Sara Apps, formerly Palestine Solidarity Campaign, to the Open Bethlehem team.

The Shadow World The Edinburgh Film Festival’s Best Cinema Documentary prize went to this eye-opening documentary about the shocking realities of the global arms trade. Director Johan Grimonprez and writer Andrew Feinstein pose the question ‘will we be allowed to choose peace over the business of war’?  The film is based on Feinstein’s extraordinary book of the same name which uncovered the real cost of war, the way the arms trade drives it and how weapons are now being turned against the citizens of liberal democracies. We hope to work with this film in 2017 and in relation to our Five Per Cent campaign on runaway military spending.

Ken Loach has uploaded all his films to youtube. Start working your way through FIVE decades of utterly brilliant work…

And connected to our work this coming October Breast Cancer Awareness month, why not take a look at the brilliant work of French investigative journalist and film-maker Stephane Horel.We are looking forward to working with both her films Endocrination and Le Grande Invasion as part of our From Pink to Prevention campaign activity (more below). Stéphane has investigated the links between business, government and public health policy, with a special focus on a class of chemicals called endocrine (hormone) disruptors.


MAHMake Apartheid History We marked our first year’s activity on Mandela Day (July 18th) and released a short highlights compilation video, which was screened as part of Palestine related events at the Edinburgh Festival (Café Palestina) and Greenbelt Festival, where TPFF hosted an event showcasing our MAH work. Next year sees some significant anniversaries including 100 years since the Balfour Declaration – we are working with our MAH partners on plans to mark this and other key calendar moments in 2017.

The Five Percent Campaign The UK is now number 2 in the world’s arms sales table, thanks largely to the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. The world’s No. 1 arms dealer, the United States alone has sold more than $115 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia under Obama’s presidency. India is on a $150bn military spending spree. Oxfam and CAAT are keeping up public and political pressure on the issue of UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia. We are calling for runaway military spending to be placed in the same category of international campaigns as debt cancellation, trade, tax and climate justice. While we continue to share 5% with our NGO colleagues here in the UK, we look forward to attending the forthcoming annual International Peace Bureau gathering in Berlin where we can share our ideas with colleagues across the world.

From Pink to Prevention Next month is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We will be hosting a special book launch event at UNISON on Mon 31st October with the publication of So Much To Be Done by the late American activist Barbara Brenner.  We’re also producing a public awareness tool which we hope will help spread awareness about an elephant in the room – the role of environmental and occupational exposures in the global breast cancer epidemic.
More to come in our next Breast Cancer Month October newsletter.


As part of our economic justice work, we have developed several new projects rooted in recent history but with a profound resonance for today. They include Attlee Nation and Attlee Festival for 2017 and Project 2018 based on Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign and Economic Bill of Rights. Both projects are now moving forward as we secure collaborations with like-minded networks and organisations which can help in the realisation of work that is rooted in the legacy handed to us by those who have come before, in the struggle for social justice.

If you would like to know more about our work, email

Make Apartheid History celebrates Mandela Day​

Dear friends, colleagues and supporters,

July 18th is International Mandela Day. It asks ‘what will you do to serve your fellow human beings?’.

One of the things you can do to answer this call, is to support Palestinian civil society’s call for boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel until it complies with international law and to make apartheid history, once and for all.  As South Africans, and over many years,  Nelson Mandela and his dear friend Archbishop Desmond Tutu, made their support for the Palestinian struggle clear as they saw the parallels between apartheid South Africa and Israel/Palestine.

Make Apartheid History launched one year ago. We are marking this Mandela Day by sharing a short video loop of the highlights of our first year’s activity. We hope you enjoy this compilation of short films, events and performances.

MAHMake Apartheid History is an international project that brings together creative individuals, organisations and networks from around the world – starting with Palestine and the UK; South Africa and USA – for a programme of popular events connecting civil rights, anti-apartheid and Palestinian solidarity movements which commenced summer 2015.

We thank the many artists and campaigners who have supported our activity to date – from Palestine and the UK, USA and South Africa.

If you’d like to find out more about why the term ‘apartheid’ can be applied to Israel’s policies, here is our ‘rationale.’

Together we can MAKE APARTHEID HISTORY once and for all.

Best wishes from everyone on the Make Apartheid History team.

Make Apartheid History is supported by Trust Greenbelt and Amiel & Melburn Trust.

supported-by-trust-greenbelt_white Amiel


Save The Date: July 14 WE ARE MANY Special London Screening + iTunes release

Thursday 14th July
Special Public Screening at Friends House

A special screening of Amir Amirani’s film WE ARE MANY will take place at the venue where the anti-Iraq invasion movement started: Friends House in London. It is timed to mark the release of the Chilcot Inquiry the previous week. The post film discussion will include Amir Amirani & guest speakers.

Doors open 6.30pm. Film starts 7.10pm (running time 1hr 50 mins) Panel / Q&A to follow. Event ends 9.30pm.
Tickets  £5 (no advance ticket sales – buy on the night only)
Venue: Friends House 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

More post-Chilcot Report cinema screenings in July…

The film is also getting a second wave release in selected cinemas across the UK, especially timed to mark the release of the Chilcot Report on July 6th.

NB We’re delighted that our Oxford screening on Wednesday 13th July will be welcoming Larry Sanders, Bernie Sanders brother. Larry will join Amir for a Q&A after the film.

To find out more visit

Twitter: @WeAreManyMovie

And finally, the good news! DVD and iTunes release

WE ARE MANY will be available on iTunes from July 18th and DVD from August 1st. It has been acquired by UNIVERSAL PICTURES for worldwide distribution (excluding North America). Planning is now underway for the theatrical release of the film in the USA.

For more information

Twitter: @WeAreManyMovie

“A work of beautiful rage. Provokes anger and goosebumps”

“consistently intelligent and nuanced”

“incredibly ambitious… gripping. The only film I’ve ever watched where the audience started clapping halfway through…” ★★★★★
Huffington Post

“rousing and moving, it’s a film that should be seen by the many” ★★★★☆
Radio Times

Follow us on:

Sharing And Celebrating The Work And The Activism Of The Amazing Rachel Carson


We at Tipping Point, through our work on our From Pink to Prevention campaign, are proud to be marking the birthday of an extraordinary woman –the citizen/scientist Rachel Carson.

Please visit our campaign website, where two new blog posts will take you on the amazing Rachel Carson journey.

In the words of our colleague Diana Ward:

Rachel Carson was an outstanding communicator and translator of science into everyday language. Although her research-based facts and discoveries were familiar to others working in the same research field, it was only when they were published in easily read book form that they first reached the public consciousness.Here for all to read and understand was shocking scientific evidence of harm to every form of life from the widespread use and persistent presence of manmade chemicals in the environment. Her book, published in 1962, ‘Silent Spring’ was, and still is, a stark wake-up call to the irreversible consequences for all living organisms, as well as to the extreme risks from the multiplier effects of such toxic chemicals for humans at the top of the food chain.

In the bigger picture drawn by Carson, her emphasis on risks to human health from the use and release into the environment of manmade chemical compounds has yet to be  acknowledged and incorporated in preventive health research programming of cancer research organisations and charities.

As long as this situation is allowed to continue, public awareness of the scientifically proven links between risks to health and muliple everyday exposures to synthetic chemicals, will remain lost to view.

In terms of significance for human health, the existing disconnect between the role of environmentally introduced chemicals in human diseases and conditions is on a par with climate change. Together they constitute the major 21st century challenge that must be confronted and resolved by the application of scientific knowledge for the benefit and not the destruction of life.

Di Ward – Campaigner From Pink to Prevention and
lead author Breast Cancer: an environmental disease. The case for Primary Prevention,
UK Working Group on Breast Cancer 2005


Our work at From Pink to Preventionis to keep asking The Big Questionof all those individuals, organisations and institutions with the power to make or to influence decisions on breast cancer incidence in particular WHY they persist in refusing to acknowledge the role of environmental and occupational toxicants and WHY they persist in ignoring decades of evidence up to the present day – from organisations such as World Health Organisation and the EU and other respected scientific bodies – on which the link between our lifelong (womb to grave) exposures to toxic chemicals and substances and the escalating incidence of breast cancer, among many other diseases, is based.

Rachel Carson would be asking the same questions. She died at the age of 56, from breast cancer, just 2 years after the publication of Silent Spring. We are forever in her debt.

Read more: The Power of Words – why a book from 1962 inspires our work today; and Rachel Carson: in print, in film and why her legacy is of such scale.

Best Wishes
Deb, Helen and Diana
From Pink to Prevention campaigns team

Suggested tweet:
Join @pink_prevention in following the example set by #RachelCarsonDay to speak up about the harm to human health posed by chemicals + to get key players to take action. #NoMoreSilentSpring

If you are concerned or want to take action on this issue, please sign our petition at

Make Apartheid History – maps tell the story

Dear friends and supporters,

This 7th-15th May, an incredible range of activity across the UK organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, will mark the 68th anniversary of the ‘NAKBA’ – Palestinians’ loss of their land when the state of Israel was created in 1948. The programme’s  closing evening event (15 May London) includes Maxine Peake reading excerpts from The Shroudmaker, by Ahmed Masoud and first performed by Justin Butcher earlier this year.

Full Events Listing:

NAKBA means The Catastrophe

On 15 May, people will remember the violent dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948. These events, which took place during the creation of the state of Israel, are known to Palestinians as ‘the catastrophe’ or, in Arabic, the ‘Nakba’. They are the events which have led directly to today’s situation, with Palestinians dispossessed, stateless and living under occupation in the West Bank, under occupation and siege in Gaza, or in exile around the world, including millions in refugee camps to this day. And the Nakba is not over for Palestinians, as the Israeli Government continues to steal their land in the West Bank through illegal settlement building and the construction of the separation wall.

See more at: Palestinians prepare to mark nearly 70 years of dispossession

And this is what displacement looks like today – one of many thousands of stories.

The refugee issue

Almost 800,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes in 1948-9 and during the June 1967 war a further 325,000 Palestinians became refugees. Under UN Resolution 194, the Palestinians have the right to return to their homes, but Israel has always refused to implement the Resolution. Today over 6 million Palestinians are refugees, hundreds of thousands of whom still live in overcrowded refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza, and in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Life under occupation

The past 40 years have seen the establishment of over 200 illegal Israeli settlements, housing nearly 500,000 settlers, within occupied Palestine. The separation wall in the West Bank, construction of which was started in 2002, cuts deep into Palestinian land and, along with the “settler only” roads, cuts off many communities from water supplies, hospitals and their agricultural land. Palestinian residents face severe travel restrictions and for many it is impossible to enter Jerusalem or to travel abroad. The treatment of Palestinians, both within Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territory, is widely recognised as a system akin to the Apartheid regime of South Africa.

Palestinians are continually under attack from Israel’s occupying forces and are increasingly harassed by settlers, who attack farmers and steal their land. Collective punishments, such as prolonged curfews and house demolitions are frequently imposed.

Palestinians living in what is today the state of Israel, also face discrimination and are treated as second class citizens.

For more information on the historical background and the situation today, read this [pdf].

Google Earth can help bring the 1948 ‘Catastropheup to date

What does the ongoing ‘Land grab’ started in 1948 look like?

Interactive Maps

Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the occupied Palestinian territory, Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah, West Bank. They have utilised the power of Google Maps to create interactive presentations that illustrate aspects of the occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and present Al-Haq’s written and visual documentation of human rights violations.

Virtual Field Visits

If you’d like to know more about Make Apartheid History, some links are below

Best Wishes from Deb, Justin, Ho-Chih & all MAH partners

Find us at:

Spring E-Newsletter

Dear friends, colleagues & supporters,

We hope our Spring newsletter finds you well and that there’s something of interest for you in our fulsome round-up below!

Alongside our existing films and campaigning work, we are developing a number of new projects that address economic justice issues. They chime with a wider civil society desire for a re-balancing of political and economic systems in favour of social need and away from the special interest groups that have accumulated power and wealth for themselves over the past three decades. We are developing an Attlee Celebration Festival; an international event and campaign to mark Martin Luther King’s 1968 Poor People’s Campaign; and a feature length documentary comprising short film essays on a new vision for Britain in advance of the 2020 election.

There is no doubt that the latest revelations in the Panama Papers will further add to public anger about the way in which our societies are being hi-jacked by a small number of super-well connected individuals and businesses. We need to keep the faith that we can make change, rather than succumb to the sense that there is nothing we can do in the face of such widespread abuse of economic and political power.

The Panama Papers, and the debate that’s ensuing, has a special resonance for some of us here at Tipping Point. Back in the mid 2000s, we in the Christian Aid campaigns team took up ‘country by country tax reporting’ as one of our key messages on tax justice. It was founded on the work of Tax Justice Network experts John Christensen and Richard Murphy.

Country-by-country reporting would make transnational corporations break down the financial results for each country they operated in, so that citizens could see what those companies and their affiliates were doing and what, if any, tax was paid or avoided. While ‘country by country reporting’ was central to the development debate, it was a tough, detailed issue to communicate to the wider public and media.

But the global financial crisis catapulted the tax issue to the foreground. Tax is on everyone’s agenda and country by country reporting is now integrated into the wider tax debate. And the Panama Papers have put the UK PM himself in the spotlight. In his defence, David Cameron argues his government has done more to advocate tax transparency than any other government.

If the Tax Justice Network, UK Uncut and all the other NGOs and tax justice campaign supporters hadn’t pushed the government, HMRC and the rest, would the UK government have paid any attention to the immorality of tax havens? Of tax avoidance and evasion? Of the billions lost to public services, especially in the global south, but here in the UK and other developed nations too?

Campaigning works.

It may take years, decades even. But you can’t forever sideline those progressive campaigns whose time has come.

Deb, Kev, Justin& Ho-Chih


Event Attlee Celebration-Unity Festival: films, debates, exhibition

“the twentieth century’s greatest prime minister.” IPSOS-MORI poll of historians and political scientists (2004)

In 2017, we mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Clement Attlee.  This event aims to bring the much under-valued and largely sidelined story of Clement Attlee, and his government, to a new generation. It will be a contemporary cultural project which explores his legacy through documentary films; film and photo archival material; talks; debates and exhibitions. Attlee oversaw the largest and most wide-ranging social reform while in government. Despite being in the most difficult of times, his government laid down the foundation for the subsequent rapidly rising living standard, decreasing inequality and growing prosperity. A celebration for all generations, the Attlee Unity Festival in 2017 will explore how, 70 years ago, politicians did push back powerful vested interests for a caring social democracy – and what lessons we can bring forward for today’s ‘austerity’ debate.

Watch:  Spirit of 45 Ken Loach, Dogwoof

Event & Campaign Project 2018 (working title)

‘For years I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions of society through a little change here and little change there…but now I feel quite differently. You have got to have a reconstruction of the whole society, a revolution of values… We are not interested in being integrated into this value structure. Power must be relocated, a radical redistribution of power must take place.’
Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

We are in the early stages of developing an international project to mark 50 years since Dr Martin Luther King launched the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign. At the time of his murder in April 1968, Dr. King was working on a Poor People’s March on Washington planned for summer 1968 which was a more radical successor to the March on Washington in August 1963. The 1968 campaign had a radical new idea at its heart: An Economic Bill of Rights. By 1968, King had been developing political strategies that forged links between race and class, within the framework of a profound challenge to the wider economic system. He said ‘we must rapidly begin the shift form a thing oriented society to a people oriented society’. And he argued that ‘something is wrong with capitalism’.

We are currently exploring partnerships with church networks and movements in the USA, sub-Saharan Africa and the UK to mobilise around a renewed call for us all to march on power with a progressive manifesto for transformative change founded on King’s original Economic Bill of Rights. A Manifesto that will reverse economic inequalities, racism, militarism and climate change that, combined, are destroying families, communities, nations and the very planet we live on.

Film 10 for 2020 (working title)

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The grassroots support for politicians such as Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders is a public call for action on the gross inequality our societies face. Both men over their long political careers have given active support to many issues that other politicians would not address for fear of public or media backlash or simply because there were no votes in it. Now it seems the time has come for their voices to be heard on national platforms.

In Development: We are working with several independent producers to develop a documentary which will invite a range of directors to offer up their ‘vision’ for Britain in 2020 – one which will reflect the spirit of hope that delivered Corbyn’s election. Reversal of profound inequality; renewed respect for the political process and increased investment in public services; prioritising green jobs and a green economy; development of a new vision of Britain in the world where Trident is not renewed and going into illegal wars is out of the question.




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Open Bethehem had its Palestine Premiere in Bethlehem on March 29!  It was hosted by Dar Al-Kalimah University for Arts and Culture in association with Visit Palestine and NEPTO (The Network of Experiential Palestinian Tourism Organisation).  The film received a great reviewfrom one of the region’s leading commentators Daoud Kattab.

Leila Sansour’s ‘film Open Bethlehem is not just another documentary; it is a ninety-minute epic that transcends politics and normal cinema and gives the viewer a personal view of the life and passions of a single individual who is committed to giving her townspeople a better future…After seeing Open Bethlehem you can’t sit still. A clear and powerful case is being made through the efforts of a human being who is bringing to the world a call in which she wants the world to join her. So let us all say it loud and clear: OPEN BETHLEHEM.’

And in January Malala, Yousafzai, the youngest ever Nobel Prize Laureate, and her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, the United Nations Special Advisor on Global Education, became the newest citizens and ambassadors of Open Bethlehem.

Find out more at

We Are Many The Iraq War remains a live issue 12 years after the invasion and is never from public debate, especially now, with anti-war campaigner Jeremy Corbyn leading the Labour Party and Bernie Sanders campaign gaining so much support in the USA. Plans are being finalised for the release of the film in the USA; and TPFF and Amir plan to hold a number of public screenings in the UK later this year.  Watch this space.

New Release: On the subject of war and the arms trade, we are delighted that the film based on the book The Shadow World, also titled The Shadow World, has just been premiered in New York. It carries interviews with, amongst others, Colonel (retired) Lawrence Wilkerson, Fmr. Chief of Staff to US Sec. of State, Colin Powell also a contributor to We Are Many.  Andrew Feinstein’s work to expose the arms trade and its impact on democracy and development has been a foundation stone for our Five Per Cent military spending campaign research. We cannot wait to see the film on its UK release.

The Power of Us (working title) We’re delighted to be picking up on our Co-op Movement Film again, which has had a new wave of interest and energy. We are currently updating the original proposal with a view to getting the film into production sometime in the next 12-18 months.


Make Apartheid History – we had a busy December/January period with our Advent Calendar and our re-edited WALL animation which took off on Facebook. We are now working towards some key 2016 calendar moments.

May 7-15th. We will be taking part in PSC led programme of events to mark ‘Nakba’ – ‘catastrophe’ in English. Background: Every year Palestinians mark the Nakba – “catastrophe” in English – when in 1948 around 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes during the creation of the state of Israel. Palestinian society was all but destroyed, with refugees scattered around neighbouring states and across the world. The ethnic cleansing continues today, with hundreds of Palestinians losing their homes due to Israel’s demolition policies in 2015, and the Palestinian Bedouin suffering repeated dispossession and displacement in the Naqab/Negev desert in Israel, to give a few examples. While Israel’s Law of Return entitles automatic citizenship to Jews born anywhere in the world, Palestinian refugees are denied the right to return to their homes and land, from which they were expelled.

July 18th Mandela Day: Watch this space for forthcoming events on this day. We launched MAH on Mandela Day 2015 and our first eventwas at the South Bank.  (Photos here ). Find out more about why we want to Make Apartheid History: Our ‘Rationale’ – Jeremy Hardy, Adjoa Andoh, Ken Loach and Juliet Stevenson explain; and leading Palestinian artists who support MAH  tell how apartheid is a daily reality.

Watch: Recent MAH videos. Brian Eno interview and Gaza poem; Mark Thomas at MAH partner Artists For Palestine UK first anniversary.

Support: New Documentary London Recruits The sensational story of the young men and women who undertook clandestine missions for the ANC during the bleakest years of the apartheid regime. It is a gripping tale that has remained secret for over 40 years.. Ronnie Kasrils was a key player in recruiting British activists. The film is fundraising its production budget. Ronnie is a supporter of MAH and speaks about the similarities between apartheid South Africa and Israel

From Pink to Prevention

Following on from our February meeting with the CEO of the UK’s leading breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now, we are continuing to push them for acknowledgement  and action on the established evidence that links environmental and occupation risks to the disease. There is a dogged refusal to widen the remit from primarily lifestyle risks to include our everyday lifelong exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals and carcinogens. We are also keen to explore why this is the case and to start to research the vested interests that may be standing in the way of this issue being taken up. The BIG QUESTION sums up our core concerns and is one that we will be asking of government, cancer charities and industry – for some to come!  We have a full programme of campaign activity planned throughout 2016/2017.

If you would like to get more involved with this work, please


The long term vision of this campaign is to redirect excessive military spending to global social need via a feasible formula, applicable by civil society across the globe, delivering deep, sustainable cuts. Inevitably, it will expose the winners & losers in the $1.7 trillion of annual global military spending that pits defence industry gains against civil society losses.

While we continue Five Percent conversations with potential NGO stakeholders and other civil society groups, we also are encouraged by a growing public engagement with the issue of military spending (and consistently positive reactions to We Are Many included). For the first time in a very long time, the debate on Trident has been opened up. The UK decision to renew (or not) is due in 2016 and with cuts to public services, the cost of Trident renewal is one challenged by the new Labour Party leadership. And the peace movement is also growing – Feb 27th saw a very large anti Trident Demo in London, addressed by Corbyn.

The annual Global Day of Action on Military Spending is upon again! Every April, citizens around the world take various actions to highlight the immorality of runaway military spending and the harm that comes from spending $1.7 trillion p/a on the world’s military.Take Part: April 18th, 11am-1pm, Friends House in central London. Find out more and vote for a safer world.

Rethink the War on Drugs
TPNS is a partner of Health Poverty Action with regard to their ground-breaking work on this issue and the challenge of integrating drugs reform policy into the development agenda.

On April 19-21st the UN General Assembly will hold a Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS). The development sector drug policy forum, an informal coalition of UK based international NGOs working to address the impacts of drug policy and illicit drugs on development, has drafted a set of recommendations for UNGASS, calling for drug policy to align with the Sustainable Development Goals. Tipping Point North South is a signatory to this call and is a member of the development sector drug policy forum initiated by Health Poverty Action and Christian Aid.
Health Poverty Action recently produced a short animation to show the links between damaging drugs policies, the impact on development in general and health in particular.

Learn More: Christian Aid report [pdf]

Finally, a quick word of congrats to two of our brilliant Management Committee members!

Justin Butcher’s extraordinary The Devil’s Passion –  “A light sandblasting for jaded souls, a gleefully heretical flavour … timely, beautifully-written, ingenious, poignant – an impressively versatile performance. Butcher’s writing shines.” (The Huffington Post)
One of the most amazing evenings I have spent in the theatre. It’s left me speechless. A MUST SEE. Riveting.” (David Suchet)

Karen Lee Street’s new novel Edgar Allan Poe and the London Monster(2016) is the first novel in a Poe & Dupin mystery trilogy. Karen is currently working on a sequel provisionally called A Charm of Ravens, set in Philadelphia 1844. The third novel in the trilogy is Edgar Allan Poe and the Empire of the Dead, set in Paris 1849. Point Blank Books (Oneworld Publications) is the UK publisher; Pegasus Books, USA; and Vulkan in Serbia.

As ever, a huge thank-you to all our funders who enable us to keep the show on the road, both longstanding and new supporters alike – grant-makers, regular givers and major donors.
From Pink to Prevention Campaign Update

From Pink to Prevention Campaign Update

Dear friends, colleagues and supporters,

As we continue our effort to ask The Big Question on environmental and occupational links to breast cancer, here are some links to our latest blogs and campaign updates.

Earlier this month, Helen Lynn and Deborah Burton met with key Breast Cancer Now staff – Delyth Morgan (chief Executive) and Eluned Hughes (Head of Public Health and Information) to primarily discuss the reasons why their organisation (the UK’s leading breast cancer charity) persists in categorising environmental risks as doubtful along with the body of evidence that does link the two. We also wanted to ask if and when BCN could join with us and start to both accept and act upon the existing evidence (not least, share the information with the public who look to them for guidance). It was a constructive first conversation and we are looking forward to keeping the issue on their agenda.

Our latest blog about the meeting is here and our post-meeting follow up letter in full is here.


Keep sharing our  PETITION! We are running this throughout 2016 and we want it to act as an informative as well as a lobbying tool.


Di Ward has added more wonderful cartoons to our gallery.   Her pictures paint a thousand words on the many aspects of this debate and we have recently submitted a proposal for her work to be included in a publication in Canada on the subject of Pink-washing along with an article.  And here is another recent posting by Di – observations from Tasmania on health, pollution and the lack of public education.


In the UK: Throughout  this year we will continue our effort to push for Breast Cancer Now to update and widen their RISK brochure; moreover,  From Pink to Prevention is calling upon all breast cancer charities – not just BCN – to acknowledge and act upon environmental and occupational risk factors for the disease.  We will also be taking  The Big Question to government – especially the new Labour Shadow Health team.

This is also an international issue and campaign and we look forward to building on our work started last year, when 16 international organisations signed our open letter calling on breast cancer charities everywhere to remove their pink ribbon blindfolds and ask why, despite all the money raised, more and more of us are getting this disease? The groups believe we are not getting the full picture on this breast cancer epidemic that has taken us from a 1 in 12 chance of a woman getting the disease in her lifetime in 1995, to a 1 in 8 chance today. We need urgent action now.

So keep spreading the word – we MUST keep pushing for environmental and occupational links to breast cancer to be acknowledged and acted upon.

Best from all at From Pink to Prevention

Di, Helen, Deb & Ho-Chih

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season

Dear friends,

A short end-of-year email with Season’s Greetings for all our supporters and funders; colleagues and friends.  This year has seen so much turmoil in the world – millions of people fleeing war; austerity measures deepening while, at the same, inequality grows; and the Paris climate talks just about saved. But, across the board, we also know that there are many who work for the common good –and it’s this spirit of solidarity that we celebrate this holiday season.

It’s our honour to work with some of those people who are making that difference. For Tipping Point, 2015 was a busy year with lots of good things coming to fruition – films finding their audiences and campaigns finding their supporters.

Open Bethlehem continues its journey to new countries, festivals and communities;

OB Quad Poster_v3 3729429

We Are Many ended the year with actor Tim Robbins calling it ‘ the most important film of 2015’ – one highlight for us being a special screening with Melissa Benn, days after the Corbyn election win;

We Are Many amir melissa

Make Apartheid History launched its rolling programme of events on Mandela Day July 18, supported by a growing number of artists, performers and activists alike, in the UK, Palestine, USA and South Africa;


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(Photographs by Katie Barlow)

and our campaign to challenge the main breast cancer charities to address environmental and occupational links to breast cancer got a boost when 16 international organisations and networks signed our From Pink to Prevention sign on statement in October 2015.

From Pink to Orange Big Question 313
(Cartoons: Diana Ward, campaign co-founder)

As we end this year, sadly, we are witnessing a widespread commitment by governments around the world – not least the UK – to increase military spending. We continue to share and refine our Five Percent Campaign proposal with potential and already interested partners – not least, as we can see a time where the world hits the completely unacceptable $2trillion p/a global military spending figure.

The 5% Campaign

Next year we will continue our campaigns work; we have some new film projects in development; and some exciting events planned for 2017 will, hopefully, be set in motion. If you’d like to know more about how you could support our work, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at

Thanks for all your support and interest throughout 2015

Wishing you a peaceful New Year
Deborah, Kevin, Justin & Ho- Chih

Follow us on:

SUPPORT US and find out more

Two carols released this Christmas. Share if you can

Make Apartheid History Advent Calendar goes live on December 1st

Make Apartheid History Advent Calendar goes live on December 1st

Dear Make Apartheid History supporter,

Thank you for signing up to our MAH e-list – and we’re delighted to share details of our latest MAH activity with you.

It’s our online Palestine Advent calendar which goes live today, Tuesday 1st December 2015.

Our calendar has 24 star symbols and each day a star will be unlocked to release new content, right up until 24th December and will largely carry videos & info-graphics.

From 1-6th December, we tell the story of how life is for Palestinians today; from 7-12th December, we explore what apartheid looks like for Palestinians; from 13th-18th December, we look at why BDS has evolved and how it is already making a difference; and from 19th to 24th December, we look at resistance, hope and Christmas in the Holy Land.

We start with this – our own MAH animation about Israel’s Separation Wall.

Look out for facebook and twitter and do share!

Best wishes from the MAH team

PS We run on shoestring! If you can help support this work, please visit Thank you!

MAKE APARTHEID HISTORY lead partners: OPGAI (Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative), PSCC  (Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee), Bedouins Without Borders, Tipping Point North South, Pressure Cooker Arts,   ICAHD UK (Israeli Committee against House Demolitions UK).  In partnership with Artists for Palestine UK and Palestine Legal Action Network


Our Intro film (3.5mins )  UK- Adjoa Andoh, Jeremy Hardy, Juliet Stevenson, Ken Loach, Leila Sansour; Mark Steel Palestine- Atef Abu Saif, Iman Aoun, Raja Shehadeh; Reem Talhami, Sliman Mansour

The video gallery has contributors from Palestine, UK, South Africa and USA.
Find us here on Facebook and Twitter

Make Apartheid History is a follow up to Bethlehem Unwrapped – a full-scale replica of Israel’s apartheid Wall revealed on Christmas Eve 2013 in front of St James’s Piccadilly.

Catch-up on our October campaign highlights

Catch-up on our October campaign highlights

Dear friends, supporters & colleagues,

We had a busy month with two of our campaigns – From Pink to Prevention and Make Apartheid History. Below are a few links you might like to click and catch up on.

Best wishes from all at Tipping Point and our colleagues at Make Apartheid History and From Pink to Prevention.

Find Us
Tipping Point: FacebookTwitter
Make Apartheid History: FacebookTwitter
From Pink to Prevention:  FacebookTwitter


pink blindfoldThis Breast Cancer Awareness Month saw us build on our April Open Letter to Breakthrough Breast Cancer (now called Breast Cancer Now)  concerning their refusal to accept environmental links to breast cancer, signed by a number of campaign groups.  This October, 16 organisations and networks (UK/EU, USA, Philippines)  signed our petition calling for breast cancer charities to acknowledge the every growing body of evidence linking environmental and occupational risks to the disease.

We also ran our ‘Remove the Pink Blindfold’ action on October 1st and set up a petition at which will run until October 2016.  It’s asking one BIG QUESTION:-

Why do breast cancer charities persist in refusing to acknowledge the role of environmental and occupational toxicants by ignoring decades of evidence up to the present day on the link between our lifelong (womb to grave) exposures to toxics and the escalating incidence of breast cancer?

Better diagnostics and treatment is not mutually exclusive with looking at how our profoundly polluted environment, homes and workplaces impact on our bodies and health, while also taking into consideration the ‘precautionary principle’ – ie better safe than sorry.  Breast cancer charities can lead on this, rather than ignore it.

Visit our petition at, learn about our call and sign and share  if you can. You can also visit our campaign site for latest campaign news and scientific information.


MAHOctober 24th was the 10th anniversary of the death of inspirational civil rights activist Rosa Parks.  To mark this, we interviewed Huwaida Arraf, American-Palestinian human rights activist, lawyer, co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and member of the Palestinian Freedom Riders.

Speaking with a deep personal and political passion, she talks about how the actions of  Rosa Parks and the USA Freedom Riders inspired the Palestinian Freedom Riders; she also talks about collective international  action against Israeli apartheid and the ever building success of the BDS movement

Make Apartheid History (once and for all)  is an international project that brings together creative individuals,  organisations and networks from around the world – starting with Palestine and the UK; South Africa and USA, linking civil rights, anti-apartheid and Palestine solidarity movements. This is the Intro film (4  mins)  and  our Apartheid Rationale film  (4 mins).  Our first public event  in July, saw UK Actor Paterson Joseph perform a reading at the Southbank about Rosa Parks and the Freedom Riders of Palestine


War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification a disturbing insight into the new ways world powers forge war today. It is a subliminal war of surveillance and whitewashed terror, conducted through new, high-tech military apparatuses.

October saw the publication of Jeff Halper’s extraordinary book which details how  Israel has set out to secure for itself a central position within the global defence industry – its research niches and political influence secured through making its defence industries  invaluable to various foreign government security and defence contracts.  And as a result of all this,  how Israel has come to play a  pivotal role  in this global  ‘war against the people’.
Halper argues that all this is a direct result of the occupation, where many such techniques have been developed and ‘battle tested’ on the Palestinian population – hidden camera systems, sophisticated sensors, information databases on civilian activity, automated targeting systems, unmanned drones.  The book makes the compelling and disturbing case that Israel has used, and continues to use its occupation as a means to develop and apply the technologies and strategies of ‘pacification’; and increasingly, effectively,  exporting both (technologies and strategies)  to other nations from the USA to China; Brazil to the UK.

Jeff Halper is the head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). He is the author of An Israeli in Palestine (Pluto, 2008) and Obstacles to Peace (ICAHD, 2015).

War Against the People Publisher: Pluto Press.
ISBN: 9780745334318

‘Pink’ Breast Cancer Month: Asking a Big Question that demands an answer

Dear Friends,

pink blindfoldIn this October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our campaign ‘From Pink to Prevention’ is trying to raise the level of debate about the much marginalised issue of environmental and occupational links to the disease. Sixteen campaigning organisations from England, Scotland, Germany, USA, Australia, Philippines, and several pan-EU networks have signed on to our statement which asks why, despite all the money raised, more and more of us are getting this disease?

In particular, we want to know why the breast cancer charities continue to focus solely on ‘lifestyle’ risk factors such as diet and exercise, while ignoring the potential 60% of breast cancer cases for which they have no explanation.  What about the role of chemical, environmental and occupational exposures in this?

We argue that better diagnostics and treatment are  not mutually exclusive with looking at how our profoundly polluted environment, homes and workplaces impact on our bodies and health – and we need action on this, if we are to heed  the ‘precautionary principle’ .

pink blindfold catWe want the Pink Ribbon ‘Blindfold’ removed  and the BIG QUESTION asked of the Breast Cancer Charities: Why DO they persist in refusing to acknowledge the role of environmental and occupational toxins by ignoring decades of evidence up to the present day on the link between our lifelong (womb to grave) exposures to toxicants and the escalating incidence of breast cancer?

The more of us who ask these big questions of the Breast Cancer Charities, as well as  government and industry, the more we can show this issue is getting more attention. We want to know why are those with the power to influence decisions on breast cancer policy not acting on what we already know?

Best wishes
Deb, Helen, Diana

PS  A word about TTIP … TTIP will significantly impact on this issue.  EU regulations – for example on chemicals that are harmful to human health and many linked to breast cancer – must be strengthened, not weakened, as a result of corporate pressure .

P-P pic Blindfold

Actions you can take to support our campaign

1. Sign our petition at

2. Write to your Breast Cancer Charity to ask them the Big Question. Please send  a copy of their response  to See an example letter on our website. This is suggested text only – please feel free to adapt and personalise

3 .Join us in removing the pink ribbon blindfold in a group or individually – take a photo removing the blindfold and share on your Facebook page or via social media

Twitter @pink_prevention

Instagram – pink_to_prevention

Flickr group – From Pink to Prevention

Visit our Facebook page

Background Links – reading and viewing

1. World Health Organisation Asturias Declaration:

2. For more information on the evidence linking breast cancer and environmental and occupational risk factors:

3. Find out more about what you can  do

Films to watch

Pink Ribbon Blindfold picture
Copyright Mark Chilvers. Thanks to UNISON for the use of the picture. Concept  Helen Lynn.
Cartoons Di Ward

Make Apartheid History September Videos

Make Apartheid History September Videos

Make Apartheid History (once and for all) is the follow up to Bethlehem Unwrapped and is an international project that brings together creative individuals, organisations and networks from around the world – starting with Palestine and the UK; South Africa and USA – for a programme of popular events connecting civil rights, anti-apartheid and Palestinian solidarity movements. Commencing summer 2015 and culminating summer 2016.

Following on from our first public event at London’s Southbank in July, our Make Apartheid History campaign picked up again this month by marking two moments.

We marked the anniversary on 12th September of the death of South African freedom fighter Steve Biko, by sharing two MAH films:
(Steve Biko was the subject of Richard Attenborough’s film Cry Freedom)

  1. Our ‘rationale’ which explains why and how the apartheid framework applies to Palestine;
  2. and our interview with MAH supporter Ronnie Kasrils. Ronnie Kasrils – a Jewish, white South African, a longstanding ANC fighter and compatriot to Mandela, was given the role of ANC Deputy Defence and Security Minister under President Mandela. Ronnie talks in detail about the parallels he sees between South Africa and Israel.

We also mark September 21st – International Peace Day, by calling to Make Apartheid History Once and For All through support for BDS, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it complies with international law. There can be no peace where apartheid exists. Watch our video below and find out more about it here:

And watch out for future activities in October and November.

MAH Partners

OPGAI (Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative), PSCC (Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee), Bedouins Without Borders, Tipping Point North South, Pressure Cooker Arts, ICAHD UK (Israeli Committee against House Demolitions UK). In partnership with Artists for Palestine UK and Palestine Legal Action Network.

MAKE APARTHEID HISTORY – follow-up to Bethlehem Unwrapped

MAKE APARTHEID HISTORY – follow-up to Bethlehem Unwrapped

It’s time to ‘Make Apartheid History’ starting Mandela Day, Sat 18th July, 2015

Make Apartheid History, the follow-up to Bethlehem Unwrapped, launched online on Saturday 18th July, and we held our first event at London’s Southbank with a programme of poetry and prose linking civil rights, anti-apartheid, and Palestinian solidarity movements.

Edited highlights of performances by Paterson Joseph, Miriam Margolyes, Kika Markham, Leila Sansour, Jeremy Hardy and Sam West are here.

Make Apartheid History is an international project that brings together creative individuals, organisations and networks from around the world – starting with Palestine and the UK; South Africa and USA – for a programme of popular events commencing summer 2015 and culminating Mandela Day, summer 2016. Our short introductory video is here.

Make Apartheid History launches in a year of significant anniversaries: in the UK it is the 800thanniversary of Magna Carta; in the USA it is 60 years since Rosa Parks sat at the front of that segregated bus; in South Africa it is 25 years since  Nelson Mandela walked free; and in Palestine it is 10 years since Palestinian civil society called for BDS – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it complies with international law:

‘I know first-hand that Israel has created an apartheid reality within its borders and through its occupation. The parallels to my own beloved South Africa are painfully stark indeed.
Nelson Mandela

We believe it is time to make apartheid history, once and for all, by supporting the call by Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it complies with international law.You can find out more at Our video gallery has a wide range of contributors from Palestine, UK, South Africa and USA and we’ll be uploading content to this page on a regular basis.

Do keep in touch with our forthcoming plans and activities! Find us on Facebook and Twitter
You can also Sign up here for news.

Join us and help Make Apartheid History.

Deb, Justin, Kev, Ho-Chih

And Make Apartheid History partners

OPGAI (Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy), PSCC (Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee), Bedouins Without Borders, Tipping Point North SouthPressure Cooker ArtsICAHDUK (Israeli Committee against House Demolitions UK). In partnership with Artists for Palestine UK and PLAN (Palestine Legal Action Network).

JOIN US! Events In May & June…

JOIN US! Events In May & June…

Dear friends, colleagues, supporters,

As we emerge from the General Election, with much analysis undertaken and much more yet to come, it may be quite some time before the deeper meaning and consequences of the 2015 Election become apparent. The superficial speed of our 21st century life can trick us into thinking that change can happen equally fast. But does it? Drivers of change – for example, the neo-liberal project that has shaped our politics for more than four decades – move much more slowly than we might imagine, their impact deep and prolonged. And those who oppose, protest, dissent and march for rights and against injustices, often endure a long wait before seeing change. But, more often than not, change is what they see…

UK release May 21st

WeAreMany_eshotAn Independent feature discusses the film and the power of protest.

To book for May 21st event across the UK and to find out where the film is showing from May 22nd, visit

Ambassadors Seminar May 30th

OB Pasport

Saturday 30th May will see the second Open Bethlehem Ambassadors seminar in London. Meet other passport holders who have had the experience of working in Bethlehem and speak to a number of tour operators who have been successfully running fact finding tours to Bethlehem and neighbouring Palestinian towns. Leila Sansour will give a presentation about Bethlehem which will hopefully leave you all much wiser and give you the confidence to tell the story yourselves. She will also share the latest plans for distribution of the film and ways in which people can help and get involved.

Please confirm your attendance by the 25th of May to

NB There is a £25 fee to join the day. You can pay on the door or by sending a cheque, payable to Amos Trust, together with your photos with your name on the back. Please send this as soon as possible to the address below so we can prepare your passports ahead of time. The event will conclude with a Bethlehem Passport Ceremony at 5pm.

Bethlehem Ambassador Seminar. 30 May 2015. 10:30am- 4:30pm Amos Trust, St Clements Eastcheap, 1 Clements Court, Clements Lane, London EC4N 7HB.  Tel: 0203 725 3496

We are also delighted that there is to be a private screening of Open Bethlehem for the Irish president, academics, church leaders and NGOs on 2nd June 2nd in Dublin.

Thursday 28th May 6pm, Central London


This is a follow-up meeting to our first From Pink to Prevention campaign group meeting at the end of January. At that meeting, we shared our new website and outlined our areas of work, focussed on pushing for the inclusion of environmental and occupational risk factors in breast cancer policy across government, industry and cancer establishment links policies. Our effort is primarily to ask some big questions of the cancer ’establishment’.

We have been in correspondence with Breakthrough Breast Cancer since December 2014 (Breakthrough just merged with Breast Cancer Care in April 2015) regarding its reluctance to acknowledge the role of environmental and occupational risk factors and placing environmental risks in the same risk category as under-wired bras (ie doubtful) in their public communications. Given the growing body of evidence to the contrary (including EU and WHO) we are keen to ask questions of Breakthrough that can explain why they adopt this position. If you would like to know more about our work on this or attend our meeting, email

Preview of  our follow up event: marking BDS 10th anniversary

Saturday 30th May at the ICAHD UK annual conference

Tipping Point will be sharing advance plans for the follow up to Bethlehem Unwrapped at the next ICAHD UK annual conference. This new project will be framed in the context of celebrating the historic freedom struggles of the civil rights movement and the anti apartheid movement and will be supporting the global call to BDS against apartheid in Israel-Palestine, which celebrates its 10thanniversary in July 2015.

ICAHD director Jeff Halper, will speak to the conference’s title, ‘Judaizing Palestine’, because the demolition of Palestinian homes and the displacement of the Palestinians are at the heart of Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing. This is also the subject of ICAHD’s new campaign that will be launched at the conference. There will also be news about Jeff’s new book that comes out in the autumn, which looks at the Israeli arms trade and homeland security and how this effects not only Palestinians, but also us here in the UK and across the world.

ICAHD UK Conference Flyer 2015_Page_1
Venue: Amnesty Intl, New Inn yard, London EC2
To book you place email:

THE FIVE PER CENT CAMPAIGN – runaway military spending

Every month we hear new calls to increase military spending echo around the world – from EU and Nato to the Middle East and Russia. This both fuels the risk of conflict as well as draining resources from other vital areas of need such as public services or emergency aid – while ignoring other unaddressed major security threats that stem from climate change.

The 5% CampaignOur Five Per Cent campaign wants to see excessive global military spending put centre-stage alongside other issues like debt cancellation, tax justice and climate change. TPFF is proud of its support of Amir Amirani’s film We Are Many and its website is also a resource for those who want to know more about how to get involved with some of the many issues raised in the film.
We hope that WE ARE MANY can raise debate on many inter-connected issues that the Iraq War has raised – and will continue to raise; from the value of protest to political accountability; from the costs of war to the bringing of charges of war crimes to those who took us into this disastrous conflict.

Support Tipping Point’s projects through a new funding platform

patreon_logo_flatTipping Point’s work is supported primarily through grants and individual (some major) donors. As our work matures and expands, we also want to expand our small scale individual funding base. So, we are encouraging all our friends and supporters to find out more about what we do and spread the word about out work. We are now pointing new supporters to our page on the PATREON funding platform. PATREON is very much about continuous support for creative projects – we are increasingly seeing our work as ‘creative activism’ and feel that this platform is the best place for us to showcase our work.

We know times are incredibly tough, but if you see the value in the kind of creative activism we undertake, then we would love you to think about supporting our work.

With best wishes from all at Tipping Point

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SUPPORT US and find out more

We Are Many UK Release Begins May 21st

We Are Many UK Release Begins May 21st

Dear friends, supporters and colleagues,

We are delighted to be sharing the UK release plans for Amir Amirani’s cinema documentary WE ARE MANY. Tipping Point Film Fund was an early funder of the film; has supported the project over the past four and half years and is very proud of its association with this timely, moving and empowering film.


1. Thursday 21 May 8pm: Curzon Mayfair & cinemas across the UK

A special screening followed by a panel discussion and Q&A, exploring the global movement’s impact and legacy 12 years on. Journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow will host the discussion with director Amir Amirani, executive producer and comedian Omid Djalili, convenor of the Stop The War Coalition Lindsey German and Professor of International Law at UCL Philippe Sands. The post screening discussion will be streamed live to cinemas across the UK .

Participating venues

2. Friday 22nd May: UK release

For details of the wider general release, please visit

“A work of beautiful rage. Provokes anger and goosebumps”

“consistently intelligent and nuanced”

“incredibly ambitious… gripping. The only film I’ve ever watched where the audience started clapping halfway through…” ★★★★★
Huffington Post

“rousing and moving, it’s a film that should be seen by the many” ★★★★☆
Radio Times


Do help spread the word

Website and trailer:
Twitter @WeAreManyMovie


The WAM website will be a resource on many levels – from story sharing to learning more about how to get involved with some of the many issues raised in the film. We at Tipping Point are also working on our in-house developed campaign focussed on runaway military spending, developed alongside our work on the film. We hope that WE ARE MANY can raise debate on many inter-connected issues that the Iraq War has raised – and will continue to raise; from the value of protest to political accountability; from the costs of war to the bringing of charges of war crimes to those who took us into this disastrous conflict.

We hope you get to see the film at some stage during the UK release.

Best wishes

Amir, Deborah, Ho-Chih and the WAM team


We Are Many is the never-before-told story of the largest demonstration in human history, and how the movement created by a small band of activists changed the world. On February 15th, 2003, up to 30 million people, many of whom had never demonstrated before in their lives, came out in nearly 800 cities around the world to protest against the impending Iraq War. The New York Times called this movement the “Second Superpower”. How did this day come about? Who organized it?

And was it, as many people claimed, a total failure? This is not quite the story we all assumed it to be. The film has testimony from a first class list of interviewees including John Le Carre, Danny Glover, Brian Eno, Medea Benjamin, Jesse Jackson, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Mark Rylance, Damon Albarn, Leslie Cagan, Tony Benn, Lindsay German, Ken Loach, Hans Blix.

“The global protest against the Iraq War on 15 February 2003 was a pivotal moment in recent history, the consequences of which have gone unreported. Amir Amirani’s We Are Many chronicles the struggle to shift power from the old establishment to the new superpower that is global public opinion, through the prism of one historic day. I urge you to support this film in whatever way you can.”
– Oliver Stone

Follow us on:

SUPPORT US and find out more

We Are Many released 22nd May

We Are Many released 22nd May

We Are Many – nationwide satellite screening + Q&A on May 21st followed by general release

Join us for nationwide satellite screening + Q&A, hosted by Jon Snow on May 21st, or find out where the film is screening near you from May 22nd. To find out where the film is showing and to book your tickets, visit this link


The Film

We Are Many is the never-before-told story of the largest demonstration in human history, and how the movement created by a small band of activists changed the world.  On February 15th, 2003, up to 30 million people, many of whom had never demonstrated before in their lives, came out in nearly 800 cities around the world to protest against the impending Iraq War. The New York Times called this movement the “Second Superpower”. How did this day come about? Who organized it?

And was it, as many people claimed, a total failure?  This is not quite the story we all assumed it to be.  The film has testimony from a first class list of interviewees including John Le Carre, Danny Glover, Brian Eno,  Medea Benjamin, Jesse Jackson,  Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky,   Mark Rylance, Damon Albarn, Leslie Cagan, Tony Benn, Lindsay German, Ken Loach, Hans Blix.

“The global protest against the Iraq War on 15 February 2003 was a pivotal moment in recent history, the consequences of which have gone unreported. Amir Amirani’s We Are Many chronicles the struggle to shift power from the old establishment to the new superpower that is global public opinion, through the prism of one historic day. I urge you to support this film in whatever way you can.”

– Oliver Stone


Spread the word, see the film and learn more about the issue.


The We Are Many website will be a resource on many levels – from story sharing to learning more about how to get involved with some of the many issues raised in the film. We at Tipping Point are also working on our in-house developed campaign focussed on runaway military spending, developed alongside our work on the film.

We hope the film can raise debate on many inter-connected issues that the Iraq War has raised, and will continue to raise – from the value of protest to political accountability; from the costs of war to the bringing of charges of war crimes to those who took us into this disastrous conflict.

“A work of beautiful rage. Provokes anger and goosebumps”

“consistently intelligent and nuanced”

“incredibly ambitious… gripping. The only film I’ve ever watched where the audience started clapping halfway through…” ★★★★★
Huffington Post

“rousing and moving, it’s a film that should be seen by the many” ★★★★☆
Radio Times





Twitter: @WeAreManyMovie