MLK Global: An end to poverty, racism & militarism

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly”

Rev Martin Luther King Jnr (1963)

Visit the MLK Global Website.

​​MLK Global​ launched in 2018 to mark the 50 anniversary of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King’s assassination. His ‘last great exertion’ in 1967/68 was the Poor People’s Campaign and – often overlooked and forgotten – an Economic Bill of Rights.

MLK Global calls for a renewed ‘internationalising’ of Dr. King’s vision. In particular, for global civil society to unite around his ever-more relevant demand for an end to the inter-connected ‘triple evils’ of economic exploitation, racism and militarism.

MLK Global believes that Dr. King’s analysis of the underlying structures that reinforce inequality speaks to peoples across the global north & south who share a deep desire for long-overdue change.

MLK Global wants to see a renewed awareness of his 5-point Economic Bill of Rights, re-envisioned for today. Economic inequalities, racism, militarism & climate change are destroying families, communities, nations and the very planet we live on.

The time to fulfil Dr. King’s vision of a “radical redistribution of power” is now.

Find out more

(I) How his Economic Bill of Rights can work for today

(2) An end to poverty, racism and militarism – in our lifetime: A new global campaign?

(3) Articles